The Shreveport Times, December 12, 1925

“Saxophones Got Us,” Three Boswells Declare, Reason for Surrendering to Jazz

shreveport-ad-4-6-9“We studied classical music, compositions by the world’s artist for more than seven years and were being prepared for the stage and a concert tour throughout the United States, but the saxophone got us,” said Miss Martha Boswell, one of the three Boswell sisters, Martha, Connie and Vet, following their performance at the Radio show at the Washington Hotel Friday afternoon.

The three sisters, lovers of everything musical and artistic, began to study music as soon as they were large enough to climb on the piano stool or hold a violin. For seven years they studied piano, cello and violin under Prof. Otto Fenck, of New Orleans, who is a student of the European music masters and who was preparing them in the classics in order that they could soon begin their concert tour of the United States and, later, Europe.

The upset to these plans came Christmas day, 1923, when each of the three were presented with a saxophone given by each other. “It was fun at first, these jazzy saxes,” said Martha, “but we all took to playing them and the banjo and the saxophone got us.”

Since March, 1924, Martha, Connie and Vet have become Victor recording artists, vaudeville entertainers and radio artists. Martha plays the piano, Connie the saxophone and Vet the banjo. They made their first appearance last March over radio station WSMB, New Orleans, and following this initial program, were acclaimed the stars of WSMB, having received more than 3,000 wires and letters from people over the continent confirming the program. At present the Boswells hold the WSMB record for receiving the largest number of confirmations of a program broadcast from that station.

Following their first radio concert, E. H. King, representative of the Victor Company, New York, visited New Orleans and the young women were presented to Mr. King through the Phillips-Werlien, Ltd., music store. The song, “Gal O’ Mine,” written for a school play by Martha, was heard by Mr. King and he immediately had the three make a record of it. In speaking of this engagement, the three said: “We were all scared to death.” However, since this time they have made two of their compositions, “I’m Gonna Cry” and “Nights When I’m Lonely.” These Victor records are on the market at present and have been featured at the Radio show and at their engagements at the Majestic Theater, continuing through Sunday. The sisters have a two-year contract with the Victor company.

During the interview, Martha said: “We plan to continue this work, having been encouraged by Van and Schenck. We will leave for New York in January, practice daily and make more records.”

The Boswells are versatile entertainers and accomplished singers. Their compositions are products of their combined talent and efforts. Connie is a “coon shouter,” this title given her by station WSMB; Vet is a violinist and Martha a pianist. Martha says her favorite work is radio broadcasting; Connie likes the stage and Vet went one better, saying she likes the stage, travel and most everything. But they all three love music, both popular and classical.

During their short visit in Shreveport, which will terminate Monday, the Boswell sisters have made a host of friends. Since coming here they have been extended invitations by Shreveport friends to go riding, to luncheons, dinners, the theater, church and other places. The young ladies said “the Shreveport people have been dear and lovely and they appreciated each invitation and said they wished they could accept all.”

Articles Written About the Sisters