Get to know the Boswell Sisters

bozbios There are many fascinating facets to the Boswell Sisters, but none shines as brightly as their music. There are myriad sources on the web where you can stream their music, and in some ways that listening is the best way to come to understand the Sisters. We recommend and for your first entre’ to the land of Boz.

While there are records, movies, sheet music and many other manifestations of the Boswell Sisters’ short but meteoric career, it was radio that brought them into the homes of a Depression weary nation. Ephemeral, of the moment, and fleeting, radio would go on to shape what we today might take for granted as the way broadcast entertainment has always been. As pioneers of network radio, the Boswell Sisters created an archetype that lives on to this day in top-billed “girl groups” that range from the Dixie Chicks to the Pointer Sisters.

So who were they? Where did they come from? What all did they do? Put on your headsets and stream a little stream of Boz while you explore the lives and times of Martha, Connie and Vet.